General Fund
The Fulcrum Center general fund focuses on providing the needs of the ministry as well as giving TFC the needed flexibility to impact the areas to which God has sent us.
If you are giving to a specific cause:
Please select the cause in the drop down box found under the donation amounts.
For other donations not found on the drop down menu or for specific missionaries, please select “other” in the drop down box and then click the donate button.
A drop down menu will appear to collect your donation information. Underneath the script “make this a monthly donation”, you will find a place to write in a note.
Please write a note stating your specific cause or missionary number.
We will tag those donations and make sure they go to the appropriate place.
Any amount that exceeds any fundraising or campaign effort will be placed back into the general fund. Thank you very much for your gifts!
About Giving
By joining our support team, you are sharing the Gospel and walking along-side churches, Christian businesses, faith-based organizations and individuals allowing them to display God’s glory and power to the world around them.
The Fulcrum Center is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit. ALL donations, both one time and recurring, are tax-deductible. We prayerfully ask that you consider becoming a monthly donor of this ministry. A monthly gift allows supporters to spread the financial impact of their giving across the entire year, offering a stable operating budget for the organization.
By joining our support team you are a part of God’s work moving around the United States and the world through:
Coming along side churches and businesses to make significant spiritual impact in their leadership and in the lives of congregations and employees.
Providing assitance and resources to encourage people to move to their next level of spiritual, professional and personal development.
Developing educational/teaching materials to support kingdom expansion around the world.
Like many other Christian nonprofit organizations, we depend upon the generous and consistent financial support of individuals and churches. Thank you for giving to this work and understanding our intention is to make the best use of your gifts to put God on display for the world to see and know.
Giving via Check
Please make your check out to:
The Fulcrum Center
If your gift is designated, please put the area of designation in the memo line of your check. If no designation is made, all gifts are placed into the General Fund.
All donations can be mailed to the following and will be processed and dispersed as intended:
The Fulcrum Center
PO Box 555 Bellaire, Ohio 43906